Laser therapy and pain/injury

30 09 2009

This is slightly off topic for me but yesterday marked exactly a year since my accident where I shattered my ankle joint. Those of you who read my blog will know that my injury has been a traumatic journey as I’ve come to terms with pain that might always be present and a heavy limp.

As well as good nutrition; acupuncture, physiotherapy, certain exercise and dry needling have all done something to ease the pain and stiffness in my ankle joint over the past year but I was definitely hoping for something to come along and make an instant, noticable difference. Well, thank Friday (ok, it’s Wednesday, but you get the point) for laser therapy!

I wasn’t convinced leaving my first laser therapy appointment with Sam Blanchard at Sundial clinics in Brighton, but the next morning it felt amazing. The laser doesn’t make a noise, and you feel nothing but the results for me are wonderful. I seem to have reached a bit of a turning point and have been able to introduce different types of exercise to my ankle. Walking has become easier and I’ve even had the confidence to go out and buy a bike as cycling in the gym no longer causes an ache.

Wholeheartedly recommended for anyone with chronic pain!